Digging in the Vaults

For the Reverend, the last few weeks have seemingly been a time of new work and a nostalgic look to the past. Though this is rooted in a practical need to archive some of this work before it goes mouldy in this temperate climate or just gets lost. It always reminds me of directions I didn't take and threads that have continued.

I have just posted a whole load of odd prints on Picasa (View on Sidebar Slideshow) and Deviantart from before, during and after art-school.
These include the 'DIG Vinyl' (See left) which I produced especially as a commemorative print for the Blink Gallery Show with El Presidente in 2007. Along side more recent ones like that are ones like below from various stages of my art-life.


Burg said...

wow more lines than a speed freaks picnic.
keep chopping and slicing cos that's quite a stash of goodies you got in that bag monsieur.

The Reverend said...

Cheers Chief, though truthfully, there probably isn't that much more that I have access to. I will be trying to obtain pics of some special pieces I know of. Just good to get some sort of perspective on it all and to see it togther albeit on the PC is weird and enlightening. WOW man I used to be so colourful!