Thus thought Reverend DIG

(Original Print by The Reverend - after Nietzsche)
Alas wither shall I climb now with my longing.
I look out from every mountain for fatherlands and motherlands,
but nowhere have I found a home.
I am unsettled in every city and I depart from every gate.

The men of the present,
to whom my heart once drove me,
Are strange to me and a mockery,
And I have been driven from fatherlands and motherlands.

So now I love only my childrens land,
The undiscovered land in the farthest sea.
I bid my sails seek it and seek it.
I shall make amends to my children for being the child of my fathers
and to all the future for this present

Thus spoke Zarathustra

From ‘Thus Spoke Zarathustra’ by Friedrich Nietzsche

This print is one of a series based on poetry and prose that have had some poignancy to me since my arrival in New Zealand. This poem of voluntary exile, change, journey, arrival and atonement speaks to me of my personal journey to and place here in Aotearoa. It also speaks of an awareness of the wider historical context and the intertwined history of my people and this place.

It is more relevant than a nineteenth century, german book about a fictional philosopher should rightly be!

Thus thought Reverend DIG



©BurgsEye 2005

Sitting in a single file trail of traffic transporting solo drivers to their daily workplace destination wondering what it is they think everday as they crawl to the next standstill. do they contemplate leaving earlier tomorrow to join another earlier legion of castrated road warriors all entertaining similar thoughts of tomorrows departure time or routes less taken? do they tune out in blank acceptance that this is life and their lot? what do they feel? frustration, powerlessness, panic, claustrophobia, rage? do they feel trapped in their single cell on route to oblivion?
the freedom of the road as portrayed in car ads is nothing more than a modern myth. the sure death consumer madness of the 21C accelerates daily unlike the growing gridlock. humans racing towards stasis.


Ghost Bus.

Through your streets at night haunts the spectral,
public transport to dimensions unknown.
Always arriving in threes.
Never late nor early.
The Ghost Bus never stops for those who sleep,
better hope the Ghost Bus does not stop for you.
No ticket required.



©BurgsEye 2000

On the shoulders of giants
in the footprints of others
on the high road
down the low
or along the middle path
there is only thing
that will sustain the journey
god is
and so are we
if we remain present
amongst the hijackedmoralesstechnodistractedgreedinspiredlowlife
that is being presented as living.


Following in the Feet of Others

For all Diggers the path is a lonely one.
With only an innate sense of purpose for company, the Digger sets off boldly, following encoded clues left by other Diggers.
Sometimes the Digger meets a fellow Digger with whom they can share the path for a little or a long time, they share clues and experiences and set off renewed and re-invigorated.
For the Digger, the knowledge that fellow Diggers are following their own paths is enough.
Transmit and you shall receive - Reverend DIG


©Tony Johnston Digzine#1 2005

Tony Johnston lives on the outside honing a tunnel into the recesses of the subconscious, sometimes tapping into the collective angst and guilt and almost always channeling the ancient voices of the mythical and physical landscape. His is rough hewn imagery created with a pioneers grit and resolve against the forces of nature and a trend influenced artelligensia.


Communist Gangster Computer God

Worldwide open secret. Solely Mr. Dec heralds the true god in the entire history of the universe. Not even in the Truth, oy vey, Pravda, is Mr. Francis E. Dec Esquire's eight-page detailed letter exposing the worldwide deadly Communist Gangster Computer God and the worst deadliest enemy of the entire human race and the entire universe and the entire history of the entire universe namely the Communist Atheist Conspiracy with all of the Deadly Gangster unbelievable sophisticated Frankenstein Controls, the Catholic Church. These facts, like the below facts, cannot be found in the Communist Gangster Computer God concocted and manipulated so-called history and news media.


Poetic Terrorism from the 'Broadsheets of Ontological Anarchism'

This piece is respectfully reproduced from the original text by Hakim Bey in the best spirit of the writing - DIG

Poetic Terrorism - WEIRD DANCING IN ALL-NIGHT computer-banking lobbies. Unauthorized pyrotechnic displays. Land-art, earth-works as bizarre alien artifacts strewn in State Parks. Burglarize houses but instead of stealing, leave Poetic-Terrorist objects. Kidnap someone & make them happy. Pick someone at random & convince them they're the heir to an enormous, useless & amazing fortune--say 5000 square miles of Antarctica, or an aging circus elephant, or an orphanage in Bombay, or a collection of alchemical mss. Later they will come to realize that for a few moments they believed in something extraordinary, & will perhaps be driven as a result to seek out some more intense mode of existence.
Bolt up brass commemorative plaques in places (public or private) where you have experienced a revelation or had a particularly fulfilling sexual experience, etc.
Go naked for a sign.
Organize a strike in your school or workplace on the grounds that it does not satisfy your need for indolence & spiritual beauty.
Grafitti-art loaned some grace to ugly subways & rigid public momuments--PT-art can also be created for public places: poems scrawled in courthouse lavatories, small fetishes abandoned in parks & restaurants, xerox-art under windshield-wipers of parked cars, Big Character Slogans pasted on playground walls, anonymous letters mailed to random or chosen recipients (mail fraud), pirate radio transmissions, wet cement...
The audience reaction or aesthetic-shock produced by PT ought to be at least as strong as the emotion of terror-- powerful disgust, sexual arousal, superstitious awe, sudden intuitive breakthrough, dada-esque angst--no matter whether the PT is aimed at one person or many, no matter whether it is "signed" or anonymous, if it does not change someone's life (aside from the artist) it fails.
PT is an act in a Theater of Cruelty which has no stage, no rows of seats, no tickets & no walls. In order to work at all, PT must categorically be divorced from all conventional structures for art consumption (galleries, publications, media). Even the guerilla Situationist tactics of street theater are perhaps too well known & expected now.
An exquisite seduction carried out not only in the cause of mutual satisfaction but also as a conscious act in a deliberately beautiful life--may be the ultimate PT. The PTerrorist behaves like a confidence-trickster whose aim is not money but CHANGE.
Don't do PT for other artists, do it for people who will not realize (at least for a few moments) that what you have done is art. Avoid recognizable art-categories, avoid politics, don't stick around to argue, don't be sentimental; be ruthless, take risks, vandalize only what must be defaced, do something children will remember all their lives--but don't be spontaneous unless the PT Muse has possessed you.
Dress up. Leave a false name. Be legendary. The best PT is against the law, but don't get caught. Art as crime; crime as art.



©BurgsEye 2005

"...if any man today possesses the gift, who knows where to sacrifice an harmonious line in order to defect the rythm and murmur of the blood, who takes the light that has been refracted inside him and lets it flood the keyboard of colour."
-Henry Miller Tropic of Cancer

Waiting for God, oh it could be a very long time, in the meanwhile I'll take what I can from the flood of heroes and villains that pour through my court that is the palace of mind, bringing a small glimmer of light but no peace in the racket of cacophonic thought echoing down these dark corridors.



Viva El Presidente - Funky President - The Hemperor

DIGradio R.I.P

The sign on the road says "Change of Direction Imminent"

DIGradio would like to announce the end of the DIGradio Show. For over a year DIG has broadcast messages and music of freedom, revolution and truth to one man, his dog, a Japanese fishing vessel and themselves. These unique and vital transmissions have intermittently been webcasted through the matrix to unidentified soul rebels and undercover reactive agents worldwide.

El Presidente, Reverend DIG and the Hamilton Taight Process would like to commend every listener/receiver for their fine taste and open minds.

Our radio waves have rippled out from the mast across the universe and beyond. Our joyful noise has been heard and we patiently await the reply.
This audiosonic travelogue will never end.

Listen and you will hear. Transmit and you shall receive! Reverend DIG

Welcome to the intermission - We hope you are enjoying the show so far - The DIGzine will be back right after this short commercial break.

This is an advertisement for the latest in 3rd Eye technology as advertised on your local DIGradio channel.

The Hamilton Taight Process, purveyor of the finest in Space Brother Science, have undertaken extensive research to bring you this unique consciousness-expanding product.

Contact your local Reactive Agent for a demonstration.
Alternatively trade in your existing first and second eyes and get up to 5% off the r.r.p. Thats value!
Now back to the DIGzine.......
(Image by the Hamilton Taight Process)


House of Cards

©Keron Smith Digzine#1 2005

The lipstick Lady of the Las Vegas lounge, Keron Smith, imbues canvas with an amalgam of the sensual and the mysterious. Keron paints murals for her living but through her application of bold layers of latex and paint effects she transforms collage and freehand into visual poems for her pleasure, and ours.


" an art of life, an art of living and enjoying...as relativists, we are aware of the hidden irrationality overlooked by the scientific system and therefore as yet not sublimated...we are hungry for individual freedom: 'AFter six days of work and building the world, beauty is the seventh day of the soul.'"
definition of Poetism, 1923.


Ancient Landscape

©Peter Mercurius Bradburn Ancient Landscape Digzine2004

Taken from the journals of the mercurial Peter Bradburn who -among other things- delves deep into the psyche, alchemy and the Tao Te Ching turning up poems as spare as a Zen garden and as multi layered as a grain of sand.
He has published two books: Imago, Parnassus Press ISBN: 0-908632-74-6 and Mercurius, Soar Publishing ISBN: 0-473-06672-6


©Mark Whyte Foundscape Pt.1 A+B -Digzine#1 2005

The enigmatic creator and generous soul, Mark Whyte, is one of Aotearoa's best kept secrets. He has slipped under the art-dar, but continues quietly noodling with mixed media as has been his want, since slipping through Elam art school's net back when Jesus was a boy.


©Junior Ravuso -Ati and the Momoko DIGzine#1
(The white people who stole from a chief and disappeared into a deep spring to a world below.)

The gifted Rarotongan illustrator Junior Ravuso (24) returned to the Cooks just before the publication of DIG #1. The day the zine left the print room the Reverend received a call from a guardian telling us that Junior had just died. R.I.P

Dada Dialectics

"In Dada you will recognise your own true condition. Wonderful constellations in real materials, wire, glass, cardboard, textiles are the organic equivalents of your own complete brittleness, your own shoddiness...Mankind is simultaneity, a monster of proper and improper parts, now, before, after and all at once...Mankind's discovery of its enormous potential for experience is unfolding. Uncovering our psycho-sexual nature, we no longer need the ethical pirouettes of "art." Dada offers an incredible refreshment, an impulse to experience all possible relationships."
Raoul Hausmann
Synthetic Cino of Painting Pamphlet (1918)

"A Dadaist...can fling away his individuality like a lasso - and is resigned to the realisation that the world at once and the same time includes Mohammedans, Zwinglians, fifth-formers, Anabaptists, pacifists, etc."
Richard Huelsenbeck

From: Collage The Making of Fine Art - Brandon Taylor
Thanmes and Hudson


Fly On The Wall


The fly on the wall -now less an insect, more a multi coloured lump in an ever increasing patina- remained silent listening hard but still could not discern the direction of the transmission nor the nature of the hieroglyphs chanelling through the masked grafftist -the latest in a long to bring awareness to greytown of the infinitesimal line of messengers delivering codes from worlds other than theirs.

Wizard of Ork

©BurgsEye 2005


Rantings from down the Hall

©Andrew Hall Digzine#1 2004

Waitakere City's most prolific and spontanteous junk artist Andrew Hall is infamous for his aerodynamically impaired, sculpturally enhanced Skoda. He was once pulled over by the traffic plods because they didn't like the look of the cannonball objet painted "Bomb" rolling around on his back ledge.

New Dada

©Peter Sauerbier DIGzine 2004

Not one to waste a spare moment legendary Dutch Born Kiwi artist Peter Sauerbier (82) dashes off sketches whilst on the toilet from his purpose-built, wall mounted, dropdown easel. This is one of them -New Dada.

Internal Combustion


Thoughts of anger, pangs of stress are a pair of migrating birds caught on a touch and go round flight path overhead my being. I can watch them independently and together, twisting, spiraling aero acrobatics. Sometimes I think they can't see me and I bury myself in my Aladdins caves full of inspiration, distraction, joyful noise and occasional static, hoping some of it sticks before the winged beasts hunt me down and carry me out to their nowhere nests and keep me hostage for days at a time.
In my cave I can stitch together another layer of thought -small patches in my almost complete second inpenetrable skin. Once encapsulated I will be safe. I know this by seeing the often good but passionless people ducking and diving beneath overhead dogfights of two birds vying to be seen & heard in as many minds as possible. Passionless pretending it isn't happening to them, telling their friends about it but telling themselves it never really happened until they believe it adding extra patch to their ectoderm.
All I gotta do is keep thinking without feeling until I have enough peices for my perfect skin which is a shell so that I can carry my cave -like a shield- with me at all times. That should take care of those darn birds.

Is something actually happening?

Here is the front cover of an exciting new extraparaperceptual publication courtesy of the Hamilton Taight Processed-Media Empire.

If you would like to subscribe to this hung, drawn and quarterly magazine, follow these instructions...

  • Touch the magazine cover-image on your screen
  • Close your eyes and repeat your designated HTP mantra telepathically
  • The magazine will now commence extraparaperceptual download direct to your synapses

Disclaimer: The Hamilton Taight Process takes no responsibility for any permanent mental tuning problems you may experience. These are considered a bonus.

(The Extra Paraperceptualist cover-image by the Hamilton Taight Process)

Jaipur 1978

© Malcolm Mac talks to El Presidente, 2004 DIGzine #1.

Whatever your mountain, whatever your dreams, whatever you pursue there are few who have scaled the heighest heights and clawed back from the valleys below like the eloquently loquacious Malcolm Mac.
Hendrix asked "Are You Experienced?" Mal has risen beyond the call of duty. He's about ready to spill the beans.

Techn/illogical Extra-polation

(It Couldn't Happen Here? - Digitally enhanced Lino-Print by the Reverend)
Predicting the future can be fun. The simplest way to do this is to take a selection of current socio-technological trends, hybridise them and then extrapolate to the 'nth degree.

Lets take a few cool, fun techno trends, mix 'em up, project the result and see what we get!

Lets go shopping for some ingredients; Mobile phone, Google Earth, Interpretive GPS, Nano-Technology and cosmetic surgery, that should do it!

Firstly take a mobile phone, its already a camera and a walkman with intelligent audio-recognition, add a GPS system, you would never get lost and you would be able to order takeaways at the drop of a hat anywhere in the world, brilliant. Lets add Google Earth, a marvellous toy, currently based on existing aerial mapping. The logical next step is it going live 'by satellite', which when linked to the GPS in your phone means you can be found anywhere in the world visually. This is great as your phone will be the main device for accessing your bank accounts, court records etc. So now you can be instantly found, monitored and your life scrutinised remotely from anywhere, by anyone with another phone. If you see someone you want to identify you can use the audio (song) recognition facility to identify other people by accessing the international voice sample bank or failing that use the camera to do a face-match, amazing.

Time to add another strand of technology. Holding a phone is a bit inconvenient, we need to go hands-free. We already have headsets but they are not very flash and you still got to use your hands. Lets make them voice activated and combine them with the sunglasses required to stop retina burn from the ever-increasing UV light. With a screen on the inside of the lens, you can drive, surf the net and keep your neighbours under surveillance all at the same time, fantastic.

The recipe isn't quite there we need another ingredient...

Your headset keeps falling off, getting lost etc. This just isn't modern and convenient enough. The world of surgical implants, internal hearing and visual enhancement devices has come a long way. Lets implant the screen, the speakers and the voice activation mic, maybe get a nose job at the same time, hell why not, its a drive-through, one-stop shop now! Suddenly we're bionic with enhanced senses and virtual telepathy, able to talk at a sub-vocal level to anyone on the other side of the world or right next door!

The future perfect.

The 'magpie' appeal of modern technology, the human instinct for extremism and the propensity to turn all that is good to bad are a volatile mix.

It couldn't happen here, or could it?

Its good to talk!

In The Bonds Of LOVE We Meet


Post Election Fatigue.

the short attention span of the popular media may have flitted to the next non event but the flippant divisory statements made by some political candidates has left me with a pitted gut.
perhaps I should be thankful for their lifting the all-is-well in paradise veil and offering a temporary vantage point into the dark hearts and minds of my fellow countrymen.
election truths and lies have the potential to snag the social fabric but until the volley of cheap shots begin in the house we have already forgotten the unrest stewing beneath our clean green sheen.
thank Papa& Rangi, Jah, Allah, Buddha, God knows whoever for sport and wars, disaster and pop stars drug addictions so we may foster some kind of national empathy, sympathy, pride or even identity and keep our minds off the invisible troubles within.


From the Top!

DIG has always existed in the minds and instincts of it's protagonists. To the outside world however, it is a relatively new phenomenon.

DIG first broke molds and made waves with the DIG Multimedia events. These brought together the finest local film-makers, artists, sculptors and DJ's to create an interactive entertainment venue, chock full of content and dynamism, all for no commercial return. This ethos of showcasing art and artists collectively and accessibly for the public informs all of DIG's activities to date.

DIG's next arena of operation was publishing and DIG undertook it's boldest project yet, the DIGzine. The DIGzine took the event into A5 magazine form, containing a diverse range of artists, each given an A4 page. This black and white publication was sold locally and via the net. Issue 2 is now nearing completion. We will be serialising Issue 1 over coming weeks. (See left for front cover. Image courtesy of DIG)

DIG sets no boundaries between artforms. El Presidente proclaimed 'Its all rock'n'roll' and so it came to pass. DIG's involvement in music began with bush recitals of eclectic roots music to indigenous forest dwellers, reared on pub rock and the anticipated second coming of Bob Marley. These missionary campaigns in to the hinterland, took these new/old forms of music and represented them in new , exciting and relevant ways. Eager for new converts DIG joined forces with a nascent Community Radio station and commenced broadcasting strange transmissions, mixing deep roots music, clashing genres, poetry, political comment and abstract nonsense in a revolutionary new style. This 'Audiosonic Travelogue' was further enhanced utilising the Hamilton Taight Process (Look out for later entries on this afilliated organisation). This new sound has transformed and mutated and is ready to give birth to further DIGactivity at any time.

DIG is now looking farther afield and with more ambition than ever before. This 'Blogjam' represents the beginning of a new stage. We are glad to have you aboard.

Transmit and you shall receive.

Reverend DIG



© BurgsEye
Live at PihaFm Caravan.
El Prez (L) Rev (R)

Wake the town

© BurgsEye

joyful noise bringers channel primal energy of an entire species
outpourings from the divine conduit delivers redemption from the ordinary
flood the burgs with a racket pure riding rough shot over television valley
the guitar slingers drum beaters deliver soulful din an unholy blessed sound
syncopated syntax from the gods to wake the town.

Destination Unknown

(Reverend on Field Research reproduced by kind permission of Burgseye Photography)

It has been a long journey leading up to this exact point and time in the history of the Universe. We set off long ago without a map, without direction and without rules. Yet here we are.
The ape doesn't understand evolution, yet he evolves and even we who have taken the same path, know not our own genetic destination.
The only certainty is the journey, the process, the constant that is change.
It is in flux that DIG thrives, both timeless and of it's time, DIG is that process. The sum of past truth and future aspiration sucked through a vortex of imagination, re-defined, re-configured and re-presented to the present.
Pick-up the signals, find the clues and follow your instincts, there is only one path, it is how you follow it that counts.
Transmit and you shall receive.
The Reverend DIG


Winter Spring

© BurgsEye

There has been more precipitation in the Poly Capital of the whole Universe than a entire nation of neurotic soapie watching wenches could muster in a year of continuous television abuse.
Winter holding one over on spring catching the optimists off guard, as it does every year.
The skies have temporarily cleared, the promise of other solar blessed seasons coming and going ambulated on the forceful chorus of Hauauru (the west wind) bending spindly manuka into compromising positions. Such is the nature of existence on the fringe of heaven in the great (rain) forest of Tiriwa.
Puddles steam in the sunlight and the whisper of summer holds promise for the webbed feet beings of the ranges.


Random Spam

calcareous siege minsk thomas dawson cowpoke regional ada tabloid rufous
smolder conferee wrack else skirt flashlight drexel tune catfish
glow sidetrack aliphatic sideshow puppy bundy elephantine boy guardia preventive aggressive
thirteen claude atkins greater meager concrete ammunition cheerful
dogging marksman effluent truancy apocalyptic fungi clad insomniac
sax calorie goddard came digest biopsy eightieth rheology




Expectation ruination,
continuum... ad nauseum.

Reverend DIG preaches to the perverted

Greetings Brethren,
Welcome to the end of the beginning.
DIG is pleased to announce the launch of the second stage of the 1000yr plan. Our mission to explore strange new worlds continues apace. Join us as we unearth the gold nuggets of truth hidden amongst the slurry of life. Marvel as we re-present the unseen, the unheard and the unimagined and report on the findings of our latest research into the history of now and the geography of tomorrow.
Transmit and you shall receive.
('Digonauts' image by the Hamilton Taight Process)

This place

© BurgsEye

This place in time is interchangeable.


© BurgsEye

The psychonesian babblenauts take on the end days from their intergalactic satellite station posited somewhere in the orbit of Aotearoa.