Sing Swan Song

Sing Swan Song - Neil Buddle / Assemblage 2009
Entry for Wanganui National Art Award (Amalgamated Tech.)

It's been a long time since I have made any assemblage and the experience as ever has been extremely enjoyable. This piece unfolded it's own story which resulted in this take on the plight of native birds in the face of predators and eforestation. All the bird names listed on the piece are currently on the endangered list, most of them critically endangered, and there are more.
A swansong is a last performance and in this case it is the last birdsongs. The title also borrows from a song by the krautrock band 'Can'. Ironically Swans have thrived here since introduction.

The exhibition opens on Thursday 17th September at the Community Arts Centre, Taupo Quay, Whanganui.


Burg said...

I can almost hear those distant sawmills spinning off their axis. The bosses going quackers "but what about jobs? Bloody greeny!" Meanwhile the forests that once chirped so loud they could be heard kilometres out at sea are now empty of everything but the call of the opossum, the scuttling of rats and bleating of goats. NZ may look green but the bleak reality of current environmental policy is less than clean and if not for the fast moving winds that once carried flocks swirling above the oceans, then Aotearoa would perhaps end up looking like the grey belly of the long white cloud that covers us.

The Reverend said...

Thanks Chief,
Glad it 'spoke to you' in some way. People still seem confused or underwhelmed by assemblage and I dont know whether it is my work or assemblage in general. Is it too lacking in guile?
With Michaels sweaty finger on the button, the H bomb has been detonated, to further show what a myth/sham New Zealand is in some ways. Clean green - Yeah Right! Proud Bi-Cultural nation - YEah right!, Tolerant egalitarian people - Yeah right!
The whole place is gonna get sued for false advertising at this rate...'100% Pure' is sounding more like eugenecist propaganda every day!