
Although the Reverend Y El Presidente are in constant contact with each other, plotting and planning, discussing and discovering, conspiring and creating, geographic location keeps these 2 brave adventurers from working together. For those that know, everytime these cats get together, something happens, something wonderful - DIG.
Luckily the planets aligned and instead of keeping the 2 compadres apart, geography brought them together again on the sequel to the 'Sightline' Project, 'Waterline'.

Here are a few shots of the dynamic duo on art-safari through the Central Plateau.

"Are you sure about this?"

"I'm not supposed to hang off moving vehicles when I'm taking my meds!"

If this was duel, the fast-shooting El Presidente would win hands down.

'Getting all the angles'

'El Presidente gets total coverage'

Viva The Reverend Y El Presidente!
Till next time Chief....................

1 comment:

Burg said...

Already a memory, a flash along the highway, a bi-way on the middle road.
Jeez, I hate how time robs the present like that, no time for reflection, no time like the present.
I'm sure the best of it is yet to come.

Good times.