I was asked...'What the world should know about?'

3 subjects the world should know more about?
  1. Religion - Whether you are spiritual or not, you should know abou the worlds religions, their similarities and their differences (e.g. Islam, Christianity and Judeaism have around 34 prophets in common between all 3 religions - Mmm, so why do they fight so?). Religion has shaped our national boundaries, our social structures, our moral beliefs and our grasp of science. Despite this, I was told by the headmaster at my childrens school that the NZ Minsistry of Education had decided it was too hard to write a curriculum about the worlds religions, so they just teach bible studies on the sly instead! That will really help with religious tolerance and understanding in the future.
  2. History - No-one seems to know anything about history anymore so we are reinventing the wheel and the world in the image of our own ignorance. To tie into the first point. Many people amazingly, do not know that the Christians started a holy war against the Moslems almost 1000 years ago. This war instigated and compounded by the christian powers has continued in one form or another until the present day and its history explains events such as the Gulf Wars, 9/1, the creation of Israel and justifies much of the passionate resentment amongst Moslems towards us 'the infidels'.
  3. Economy - Our economic model is set up to 'boom and bust' so there should be no surprise when it does just that, that is the secret to making a lot of money in business, (one mans ruin is anothers profit) not the secret to maintaining a stable and consistent economy. Business are set up to make money for shareholders and employees. Not to make the world a better place, not to provide you with the best products and services they can out of the goodness of their hearts. BP is not making the world a greener place! Human beings have been around for 2 million years and the first unit of currency was not developed until approx 5000 years ago in what is now modern Iran/Turkey/Iraq. The first metal coins did not arrive until approx 650 BC in China and banknotes were not printed in Europe until the 17th century. How did we survive before that? Q: How come we are all beholden to an abstract principle which is only 2,600 years old? A: Because people have gained power from it. (Much like some religious beliefs).

Ultimately, these things all tie into History. History is not just the study of 'what happened' in the past, it is the study of 'why is it happening' in the present and the 'What will happen' for the future. Ignore it at your peril!

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