The Ai of the Storm

An honest background doco from American channel PBS on the missing Chinese artist Ai WeiWei who was detained by "officials" some time last month.

His disappearance comes after a series of events to censor the man who was until recently celebrated for his design of China's 'birds nest' Olympic stadium. WeiWei is unrelenting in turning the focus of his art back onto the Government. Not only does his art and writing call attention to a repressive regime WeiWei has also been able to mobilise large groups of people to help ask the difficult questions about the motivations and credibility of the State.

WeiWei has been beaten in 2009, his blog was first censored then taken down, his artist community/compound surrounded by CTV cameras and his new studio building suddenly demolished at the beginning of this year.

Still he remained undeterred he documented the demolition with his camera and video and turned it back on the Government as he created new art from the event.

See a secretively recorded talk WeiWei gave to TED one month before he was detained here.

The image posted here is taken from an excellent blog on Ai Weiwei over at Eat Pink Love run by Australian artist Santina Amato. Santina is responsible for a FaceBook campaign to raise international awareness about WeiWei's detention.

1 comment:

Burg said...

Sign the petition for Weiwei's release here http://www.change.org/petitions/call-for-the-release-of-ai-weiwei