There ain't 'arf been some clever bastards...

Finding good New Zealand Art + Design to own, can be challenging. You know it's out there but where? Work is often seen at exhibitions only and trawling through some of the more generic gift-shop art and reproductions can be a soul destroying, rather than uplifting affair.

There are many websites that allow artists to promote themselves, but with an open door policy and unclear presentation, these too can be unrewarding.

So it was a delight on a random Google browse, that CleverBastards.co.nz turned up. A well designed site, showcasing some very interesting, funky, quality work from a range of emerging NZ artists, ranging from the known to the unknown and encompassing diverse media. All the work is for sale and presented appropriately.

With an easy registration and all the usual connectivity, the site is accessible and more importantly presents the wide range of quality work professionaly and creatively.

I look forward to checking out more of the work (I liked the cable-tie, spirograph homages!) and have submitted my own modest output for possible inclusion...watch this space, and check out those CleverBastards!


CleverBastards - New Zealand Art + Design

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