Kia ora, key aura, quay oarer!

The Reverend is going ol' school and lo-tech for the holidays, which means I dont have a PC at home, so I wont be able to communicate for a few weeks.

So in lieu of next time......

Seasons Greetings to Hamilton Taight, Mercurius Bradburn, Dr. Benway, all DIGloggers and friends, family and followers of the Reverend Y El Presidente.

A huge thank you to everyone who has supported DIG and Neil and Jase as individual artists throughout the year, whether by support, encouragement, inspiration, networking or buying some of our creative outpourings - Kia ora

We look forward to next year, meeting new friends, reconnecting with old ones, ranting, raving, making peace, makingh war and making some new art for this ol' world.



Unknown said...

Fanks, and to you, go in lotek peace brother rev.

Burg said...

Yo Rev,
Well said.
This fool on the hill AKA Uncle Scrooge keeps forgetting about al this end of the year/xmas thang. Until I get into traffic, that is!
So in the parlance of dancehall BIG UP YERSELVES. Thanks for looking in on DIG!
2010 here we come!!!

The Reverend said...

dont call me nigger...whitey