Strapped for cash

I recently read a very interesting article on The Big Idea entitled Cashless Creativity. The article postulates an alteration of attitude in society, from one of scarcity to one of abundance. This change it is suggested could be led by creative people.

I was sufficiently moved to respond or rant regarding what I see as 'the self-indulgence of creative utopianism'.

I would be really interested to know what any of our readers thought on this issue? So follow the link to the post and ...

'Imagine a world without money...it's easy if you can afford to'.....

Addendum: Here is a link to another web-forum (Yes I waded in!), where a similar discussion rages. It seems the first thing that we can't afford in a recession, is tolerance, closely followed by contemporary art! Maybe the swing towards 'practical politics' in tough times should be called 'recessionism', which neatly implies the certain paucity of spirit and vision, inherent in much of this attitude?

Thanks to Mr. Mercurius for supplying the link.

"All art is quite useless.' - Oscar Wilde


The Reverend said...

Have just been reminded of a quote by Henry Miller (The Reverends greatest author) and it fits nicely here....

'I believe that one has to pass beyond the sphere and influence of art. Art is only a means to life, to the life more abundent . It is not in itself the life more abundant. It merely points the way , something which is overlooked not only by the public, but very often by the artist themselves.' Henry Miller

The Reverend said...

Thanks Merc - I followed that link, somewhere else to wade into the art fray...Typically artists keep tipping out rubbish in galleries or turning lights on and off, making the argument for the defence all the more difficult!

Unknown said...

The Reverend Present!
I read your letter, it was a beautiful thing.

Burg said...

Amen on the correspondence front. Well said indeed.