Nazi Disco
Saturday night, 9th May saw the first performance by tribal-noise-punk act 'Nazi Disco', comprising of the Reverend and Adam Elliot. A small but enthusiastic crowd watched the bands 20 minute set at Stink Magnetic Records HQ in Whanganui.
Despite its awkward moments and 'technical difficulties' the dynamic duo, pummeled the audience with heavy rhythms and discordant riffs, soaked in noise, enduring wolf-whistles and sardonic requests for the Eagles! The next gig will be at The Mutton Club, Whanganui - Da Sein Oder 'Square' Sein!Experimental Sonic Research:
This menacing looking device was discovered by the Reverend in an old chest, hidden at the end of WW2, until now. This sonic weapon, utilises organic and man-made items to create an astonishing array of sound, that appears harmless acoustically, until amplified, when its true and frightening potential is made clear. A recording of this weapon in use, was found with the device, but efforts to transfer the signal to a digital recorder, unsurprisingly scrambled the 21st century technology! Audio:Song Recycle (Excerpt)
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