Jesus Electric Plugged in Appliance.

Plugged into the Source. Spiritual gifts can be compared to electrical appliances
With a nominal voltage of 230v,
"One minute we were admiring the jewelry and the next minute Jesus was missing"
Any path greater than one hundred feet is a long distance in the physics of electrical transmission.


The Reverend said...

Ungelooflijk! Hamilton Taight where have you been. Obviously on a spiritual retreat with the Brothers of the Church of the Holy Transistor. Having your blind faith circuits re-wired! Good to have you back amongst the land of the Digging!

Burg said...

T'is the season of miracles.
The three wise electricians spotted the the blinking neon and went to fix it, inadvertently uncovering the light of HTP the all pulsing, circuit breaking and mutating star of the north.
All Hail Hamilton.