accel a rant

robot big bands, computerised service staff, andriods perform shakespeare, a new and excitingly different mechanised and automated future society awaits us all, streamlined and expediated, microbes via their human hosts take over the world and there's nothing the cia or g8 can do about it
and as the virus spreads sport still brings the good drones together while false gods of corporate greed busy themselves behind closed boardroom doors scheming imaginative ways of fleecing the loyal and attracting new consumers under the pretext of satisfying good drone shareholders hungry for more who raise their expectations against the rising tide of debt that is evidently held at bay by the insurmountable sea wall of little plastic swipe cards
the future is now
meanwhile in deep space the lonely brainnauts freedrift looking back at Mothership Gaia wondering how long we can hold on to this self created speeding machine accelerating towards a pre dark age oblivion, probing the dark side of other planets so we can ship the false gods to safety before the drones realise that the whole shithouse is about to go up
and if the microbes discover a portal through a black hole, then what? infestations of other galaxies?
the future is now where there is no past we must look forward gear up prepare for the worst expect everything produce more on time everytime no matter what the cost remember there is not enough time our troops need you afterall they champion world peace, your security, your future happiness against the peril of anyone who does hold the same false gods to be truth
bah humbug.

1 comment:

The Reverend said...

Rant on brother...
This could be the beginning of a manifesto manifesting the manifestation of world peace - you DIG!